31 March 2014

session 4 - dock overflow

It's been a long time between casts, but weather and water conditions haven't been the best. We darted over to South Australia in the hopes of catching larger Southern Calamari, but wind and wet kept us off the jetties. We could see the potential in Beachport and Kingston, but those squidding adventures will have to wait for another road trip.

Back home, we popped over to Lilli Pilli last night. The dock was teeming with anglers jostling for position. Fishers had taken all the prime squid positions which left us casting in weird places and reeling in very little. One fisherman caught a lucky break pulling in a good-sized salmon. It was the first decent-sized catch that we've seen in the area. The dock spontaneously broke out in a round of applause.

It was a bit quiet on the squid front. We met another duo who, like us, were waiting for the sun to dip and the squid to come. He scooped up a smaller calamari as our rods sat empty. Just as the last sun rays floated across the water, the sky was bright and alive.  Deciding that it was best not to hold a metal rod in a lightning storm, we quickly gathered our things and left the dock empty-handed once again.

Jigs: Rogue Calamar Pink 2.5
Location: Lilli Pilli Baths Wharf
Highlights: Meeting fellow squidders
Session Squid Count: 0
Squid Count to Date: 1

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