14 April 2014

session 6 - somewhere new

We moved to a new bay this weekend, and I felt good about our prospects. Gunnamatta Baths Wharf had telltale signs that it was a prime squidding locale; black ink stains decorated its concrete floor. With plenty of room to spread out, the new spot was tipped to be a winner. We made camp in a heavily inked area and cast out in hopes of picking up dinner.

Next to us, two old women sat with their legs dangling. They has spools of fishing line and a small pile of bait. They cast down sans rod, then waited for a tug. Hand over hand, they pulled the line in. Each time they landed a nipper. Five little fish, one right after another.

Our line though told another story. Nary a tug. Nary a pull. With no calamari in sight, we packed up and went home empty-handed once again.

Jigs: Rogue Calamar Pink 2.5
Location: Gunnamatta Baths Wharf
Highlights: Watching women catch fish without a rod
Session Squid Count: 0
Squid Count to Date: 1

06 April 2014

session 5 - lid lost

Just when I was certain our squidding sessions couldn't go any worse...  The dock was empty at Lilli Pilli when we rolled up just after sundown on a Saturday night. It was a bit unusual to have the place to ourselves. I led the charge down the stairs and out on to wharf with the reel and bucket in hand. It was a bit chilly with a heavy wind. Too windy for squidding, I thought as I sat down our bucket with our lures inside. A big gust came pulling the bucket precariously close to the wharf's edge. I grabbed on saving the lures in the nick of time. The bucket's lid lost to the sea - floating off into the blackness.

We packed up and went home.

Jigs: None cast
Location: Lilli Pilli Baths Wharf
Highlights: The dock was empty.
Session Squid Count: 0
Squid Count to Date: 1